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Organic 100% Black Bean Fettuccine with King Oyster Mushrooms (Vegan)

Serving: 2


How to Make:


1 Heat 1 tbsp of sesame oil in a pan, add sliced king oyster mushrooms, sea salt and sear each side for 4 to 5 minutes. Set aside.
2 Sauté chopped onions in 1½ tbsp of sesame oil in pan for 2 minutes. Add shiitake mushrooms and cook for another 7 minutes. Add soy sauce, maple syrup and Sriracha sauce and stir to mix.
3 Cook Organic 100% Black Bean Fettuccine from The Un-Possible Kitchen™ in salted boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes. Rinse in cold water and drain, if desired.
4 Toss the fettuccine with the shiitake and onions sauce mix and add seared king oyster mushrooms on top.

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