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Bak Chor Mee” Organic 100% Black Bean Noodle with Minced Pork, Singaporean Style

Ingredients: Meatballs 200g beef mince 2 tsp soy sauce ¼ tsp white ground pepper 1 tsp cornstarch 1 tsp sesame oil Sliced Pork 120g sliced pork 1 tsp soy sauce White ground pepper Broth 1.5 litres water 1 kg chicken wings 1 star anise peppercorns 2 tsp salt Mushrooms 60 g dried shiitake 500ml hot […]

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另一决赛零食,The Un-possible Kitchen的葛根脆片(Arrowroot Paleo Torti Chip)在食材的选择更为严格,是市面上难得一见的“净食”主义脆片。品牌联合创办者吴尤俐在2018年忽然患上严重湿疹,打乱了她的工作与生活,苦不堪言。她尝试了无数种疗法后,找到一种自身免疫饮食疗法(Autoimmune Protocol Diet),严格地戒掉很多食品来治愈肠道,透过减轻炎症和自身免疫性疾病症状,最终成功治好湿疹。她透露,自己将谷物、豆类、鸡蛋、乳制品、坚果、糖分等从饮食中去除,最终只能吃番薯、南瓜,非茄类和藻类的蔬菜,健康脂肪,以及最少加工的肉类。 吴尤俐为了坚持净食治疗湿疹,研发了葛根脆片。她创办The Un-possible Kitchen 品牌,便是要跟大众分享自己战胜湿疹的心得。(吴尤俐提供) 因为能吃的东西有限,吴尤俐在外工作或出差时往往都饿着肚子。她在家中会用葛根面粉和椰子面粉自制卷饼,同样的材料也能煎成脆片,让她随身携带充饥。这给了她将它商品化的念头。 吴尤俐发现,在解决了自己的饮食困扰后,也能帮到绝大部分有饮食特需的人士。她说:“我用的食材很天然简单,不放任何添加剂和防腐剂,除了椰子和葛根面粉,其余的都是天然食材和香料如橄榄油、苹果醋、海盐、蒜粉、奥勒冈草、迷迭香,这么一来已完全消除掉过敏原。这个产品低热量、高纤维,对麩质过敏人士、糖尿病友,以及采用生酮饮食(keto diet)、旧石器饮食(paleo diet)的人士等也有帮助。” Source: 零食市场 胃口大 | 早报 (zaobao.com.sg)  

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Clean Snacking is In!

The Un-Possible Kitchen ™’s Arrowroot Paleo Torti Chips are now available at Food Folks Shop Food Folks @ Lau Pa Sat For Everyday Great Value | NTUC FairPrice Redmart Online Grocery Shopping and Delivery Singapore | RedMart By Lazada

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TOP TEN in the Asia’s Great Snack Challenge 2021

Happy To Announce that The Un-Possible Kitchen’s Arrowroot Paleo Torti Chips have been selected by the judges to be in the TOP TEN in the Asia’s Great Snack Challenge 2021 OIN | Asia’s Great Snack Challenge (openinnovationnetwork.gov.sg), organized by Enterprise Singapore and sponsored by Nestle, Tolaram, KH Roberts, Khong Guan…

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Sarah Garone (Nutritionist)

Sarah Garone, NDTR, is a nutritionist, freelance health and wellness writer, and food blogger. She began her career as a college German instructor, but after taking a break to raise her three children, became fascinated with food and nutrition. She returned to school to earn a degree in nutrition and became a nutritionist licensed with […]

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More on the Paleo Diet

By Sarah Garone Whether you call it the Paleo diet, the caveman diet, or the Stone Age diet, a popular eating plan aims to get you dining like a hunter-gatherer—albeit without the Stone Age utensils. The Paleo diet is based on the idea that our primitive forebears had the right idea about food. According to […]

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More on the Autoimmune Protocol Diet

By Sarah Garone If you live with an autoimmune disease, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, or thyroid disease, you know firsthand how much these conditions can affect your quality of life. As you attempt to find relief from your symptoms, you may have turned to your diet to see if the food […]

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More on Keto & Low Glycemic Index Diets

By Sarah Garone In the last several years, the keto diet has taken the world by storm. Featured on magazine covers, endorsed by celebrities, and praised on social media, keto has skyrocketed in popularity to become one of the trendiest eating plans in recent memory. Beyond its VIP status in popular culture, the keto diet […]

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So What Should You Eat

The following ingredients are often used in keto, low-glycemic, autoimmune protocol, and Paleo diets. If you’re considering adopting any of these diets, you may see these ingredients used—or may want to use them in your own cooking! Coconut flour: This gluten-free flour is high in fiber, which can promote heart health and better digestion. Sweet […]

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5 Reasons You Need The X Theme

X is not your grandmother’s WordPress theme, and we want to prove it to you. Here are the top 5 reasons you need to buy X today! Stacks, Stacks, & More Stacks Instead of being stuck with one design for your next project, X is a gift that keeps on giving. Built with our custom […]

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